Today's wins...

Exams are next week and we're in full-scale review mode.

Here's the good stuff:

1.  Math 3 kids pulled out their Parent Functions foldables that I spent hours on this summer. Made all that time worth it.  (Note to self: add a page of transformations to it for next year)

2. One student took the time to watch a screencast I'd made on how to solve a system of 3 equations. And then he got the review problem on the exam review correct. :)

3. I know it's the typical end of the quarter scramble, but kids are starting to take an interest in what work they've done and what is marked as missing. Better late than never?

I gave my Math 1 kids a print out of their grade sheets because so many have missing assignments. Part of their work today was to locate these papers (because you know they're stuffed in the bottom of their backpacks) and if they couldn't find them, fill out a google form telling me what papers they need.

My big take-aways today:
I tend to allow students to turn in late work. And then I have crazy random papers in crazy random places.  So from now on I'm setting up a bin for them to work into as long as it's attached to a Late Work slip. Maybe that'll help keep me organized a bit more.

I need to start naming assignments better. I think in Math 3 we've had 3 assignments called "Factoring Polynomials" lately. So trying to identify what's missing has been a pain in the rear.

I'm definitely making some changes for next semester!

AND DID YOU SEE THE DESMOS NEWS?  Apparently you can now edit Activities that other people have made. LOVE IT!!!!
