One of those days...

Ever have one of those days when everything goes perfectly and you feel like you've accomplished a lot?

Yeah, that wasn't today.

Not that it was bad; I just ran into a bunch of roadblocks and couldn't figure anything out. And it was a busy day!

1. We started our morning with a state-wide Infrastructure Trial. The PARCC test is coming up and it was a good time to check to make sure that everything (ie, computers) will work ok on the site. And that the site doesn't crash.  From our end it went pretty well.

2. Our school psych let me know that the form we set up to collect information about student concerns isn't emailing the results to the counselors like it should. We're using a google form and the Ultradox Trigger add on.... great idea, and it's worked in the past, but for some reason it stopped working. I played with it for a bit but didn't get anywhere. I'll keep checking it out tomorrow.

3. I went over to our Administration Building to attend a meeting with the Parent Math Course of Study Committee. (They're bringing parents in to get feedback/keep them informed with what's going on in the math course of study.) We're working on a website to help them with all things Common Core Math Ohio's New Learning Standards. It was interesting to hear what they thought about our work; they definitely gave us some things to think about and redesign.

4. Back to school for a TI Webinar. It was billed as TI Graphing Calculator Support for PARCC Algebra 1 & High School Administrators  but was a lot like a sales pitch. At least, what I heard of it. I started trying to log in about 10 minutes early. Finally made it half an hour later. Ugh.

5. That left me a couple of hours to work on random stuff... adding a search bar to a google site (is it possible? If you know please tell me how to do it!), more on the Ultradox Trigger (to no avail), discussions with my co-workers about how to deal with our Chromebooks and the upcoming testing.

I just felt like I ran around all day and have more questions/problems than answers.

I think it's time to go home and go for a run.


  1. You just need a snow day! :) Maybe Monday will be your lucky day? They keep talking snow again up this way, so maybe they are for you, too!

  2. Oh, and for the Google issues, maybe you'd have luck by tweeting Richard Byrne? @rmbyrne


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