Recent Finds

I've found some good stuff lately!

1.  A presentation on Google's Lesser-Known Tools. I just shared this out with my staff. My favorites: GeoGuessr and Peanut Gallery.

2. Lisa Henry, a friend and co-founder of Twitter Math Camp, posted her Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 Common Core and PARCC Curriculum Tables on her blog. Definitely worth perusing, especially if you're in a state with both!  My district went with the Integrated Pathway so it's not a direct correlation, but it's definitely a nice resource!

3. Mary Bourassa is starting to blog her daily classroom activities. I never pass those up!

4. PARCC has released a Math PBA Practice Test. I don't know about you but I'm sick of PARCC, and we haven't even started testing!

I also shared some more subject-specific resources with the English and Social Studies teachers at my school...

They're located in a shared folder called Turpin Tech Resources.  Happy reading!
