Pythagoras, a math genius? Not by Babylonian standards - CNN.com
Wolfram Alpha Demonstrations Project « Maximizing Learning
Wolfram Alpha Demonstrations Project: http://wp.me/pYhV3-2A
Wix.com advent created by ktenkely based on Kindergarten
Fun. Can I resist peeking? RT @kjarrett Advent calendar of Web 2.0 tools by @ktenkely http://ow.ly/3i1H7
YouTube - Sneak Peak of James Blunt on Sesame Street
RT @myownmathstutor: Hilarious Sesame Street w/ James Blunt signing his classic "My Triangle"... http://youtu.be/o2Z6tDSb6c8 #math #maths
EDge21: Catch of the Day - Shmoop Pre-algebra - 8/23/2010
Catch of the Day - Shmoop Pre-algebra - 8/23/2010: http://bit.ly/bEjWtC EDge21
Twitpic - Share photos on Twitter
@fouss @jreulbach I got this name tag activity from a colleague. http://twitpic.com/2arbzh
GOOD.is Transparency - Getting Around
@jjboom I dig this one a ton. http://bit.ly/H2Ca3
Anyone using SMART Notebook 9.5 or over (if not upgrade!) may find these templates useful http://bit.ly/8ZqUXF #edtech #ukedchat #scichat
YouTube - Triangle Congruents (Ms. McKenna)
Just discovered a video of me rapping about triangle congruence on Youtube. Low quality and embarrassing! http://bit.ly/aT8ouu
YouTube - Partnerships for Powerful Learning
Not sure how I missed this! Nagel Middle School Team- Forest Hills - Ohio PLP Consortium Cohort http://bit.ly/9irlIt Excellent video!
RT : 3 of best teaching posts i've ever read (thx
RT @samjshah: 3 of best teaching posts i've ever read (thx @rileylark): http://bit.ly/9nI829 http://bit.ly/9tCxeI http://bit.ly/cMXVl6
Thousands of sound clips from movies, celebrities, cartoons, etc that can be dl'd for FREE! http://bit.ly/w4f6J
Sharing: Multiple Representations of Systems | Continuities
New post on multiple representations: http://is.gd/bHuJw (See @RobertTalbert, I'm trying to help before they get to you).
Get NCTM’s full activity packe
Get NCTM’s full activity packets for classroom exercises @ http://www.nctm.org/activitypackets #nctm10
Reflections of a High School Math Teacher: Using Flip Videos in High School Math Class
BasicTrigUnitCircle_Activity_Alg2.pdf (application/pdf Object)
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