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Math Mama Writes...: Systems of Equations Gets Better Without the Textbook
ALEX Lesson Plan: The Art of Solving One and Two-Step Equations - A WebQuest
GeoGebra Tutorial 20 – Spreadsheet, Slider and Curves of Best Fit « Mathematics and Multimedia
PCMI @ MathForum: Morning Shorts
"John Mahoney presented the project that his pre-calculus students do at the end of the course. It involves taking digital photos of students hands and printing them (via Sketchpad) on top of a pair of coordinate axes. Students then compute equations of the lines in their own hands. Pre-calculus students are required to use a variety of different types of functions. This project helps students review the properties of polynomials, exponential, logarithmic functions and their graphs. If this project is used with Algebra 1 students, they would use linear and quadratic functions. An article based on this Project has been accepted by the Mathematics Teacher for their Activities section. "
I Want to Teach Forever: Follow-Up: Combining like terms card game
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
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